Support for Family and Friends

At Sana Health Group, we understand that it can be overwhelming and confusing when your loved one requires support for mental health or addiction.

If you are concerned about a loved one and believe they may benefit from treatment, we can help to guide you through the process of finding the right support for them.

Contact us

Exploring Treatment Options

Review Our Services

We offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to address various mental health and addiction issues. Take some time to explore the different programs available on our website.

About us
Reach out for guidance

If you are unsure which treatment service will be the best fit for your loved one, please contact us and we can have a preliminary conversation with you regarding our different services, and then connect you with them.

Contact us
Contact us

If you need assistance in determining the best fit for your loved one, our compassionate team is here to assist you. Reach out to us by phone or email, and we will guide you through the process.

Support Resources

Visit the websites of our different treatment services for additional resources and support for family and friends.